Sunday 23 October 2011


Tears....such a small word but its significance is worth more than you could ever think....Sometimes tears can be your best friend...Tears can be the only one which can share what lies deep inside your heart when you just can't open your mouth :#

Today on My Life My Story im gonna share my friendship with tears....
i know that this sounds too weird...but believe me peeps u'll only know that tears are your bestie when your life is just so unfair....just like mine....well i don't say that i don't enjoy every seconds of my life...i really do and sometimes i just feel so blessed that i got such a wonderful life :)
but peeps life can't be that perfect every time...there are many ups and downs and you must know how to balance yourself between those two...
But damn sometimes i just don't have that strength to keep on fighting with my life....

I can't really count how many times i cried in my life...but i cant still remember those who really made me cry like hell and those who cried because of me.... 
I don't say that im a perfect girl...i can be an angel sometimes but sometimes i just can't fight against the devil in me....
I really hate myself for making my Best Friends cry...
But trust me my dear peeps i dint do that intentionally...
Sometimes it becomes too hard for me to control my anger and i just vent it out on my BFFS ...i felt like i hurt my soul when i made them cry...

But im just so lucky to have wonderful friends in my life..they understand me and they'll always be by my side even though they i know that i have some nerves problem and one day or another i just cant vent out my anger on them again...I'll never forget the day when i raised my hand on my Best Friend :S
I dint do tht on my own will...i was just joking with her but i slapped her a bit too hard...that day i really wanted to chop out my hands ><
But my best friend is indeed an angel :)
Some people hurt me like hell >< they played with my feelings as if i was some kind of toy..they damn messed my life and are still not done with it ><
but my friends always tell me...

But i won't neglect the fact that i did shed out some tears of happiness :'D
There are lOts and lOts of superb memories with my closed ones where i remembered i just couldn't retain my tears...and trust tears of happiness can make ya feel so good sometimes :)
But just so sad on the fact that most of the times its not tears of happiness that come out of my eyes but tears of despair...
In this world there are so many people who are like shedding tears like hell can be a kid while seeing his or her parents fighting like cats and dogs almost 100 times during a day or it can be a brave soldier who lost his best friend while doing his duty of protecting the country...or simply another reason could be breakups...teens suffer a lot from breakups specially when breaking with the one that he or she love for more than 3 years....tears are really famous as u see as they do come out of your beautiful eyes almost for every reason....

My advice to you beautiful peeps out there...never blame the God for making your life so miserable sometimes...Its only you that make your life such a mess..never lose faith in God despite your crying everyday and cursing your life...God saves your precious tears and turn them into happiness so that you can have a much more better life that you dint even expect of..:D
Don't ya ever think about committing suicide peeps coz that aint the solution..your life is perfect but sometimes we just can't see it...but as we said God can be late in making your life a happy ending one but never impossible as this word doesn't exist in his dictionary :D 
So smile peeps :) behind every tears there is a beautiful smile awaiting for you...

Take Care peeps :)



  1. I love the blog very creative one with wonderful words ^^

    Tears will be there only if you let it

    You can fight tears because youve got a more powerful weapon ;) ==> A smile ...!!

    A smile can do a lot of things ^_-

    kisses, MAisy =D

  2. hey thanks maisy darling :)
    i read all your blogs and trust me im already your fan ;)
    well said dear :)
    behind every tears there is a wonderful smile :D
    keep smiling too maisy :)
    big kisses
